អំណោយដ៏ល្អបំផុតសម្រាប់អាយុមួយឆ្នាំ – ជ្រើសរើសយកកំពូលសម្រាប់ឆ្នាំ 2022

ក្មេងអាយុមួយឆ្នាំនឹងធ្វើឱ្យមានប្រដាប់ប្រដាក្មេងលេងដូចជាពែងកាហ្វេគូទដែលអ្នកនៅតែព្យាយាមបោះចោល។ T បង្កើតអំណោយដ៏ល្អបំផុតយើងមានគំនិតខ្លះសម្រាប់អ្នក។ នៅទីនេះគឺជាអំណោយដ៏ល្អបំផុតរបស់យើងសម្រាប់អាយុមួយឆ្នាំ។



ការស្វែងរកប្រដាប់ប្រដាក្មេងលេងដ៏អស្ចារ្យសម្រាប់យុគសម័យនេះអាចជាការពិបាកជាពិសេស។ ពួកគេកំពុងលូតលាស់ចេញពីប្រដាប់ប្រដាក្មេងលេងរបស់ពួកគេដែលក្មេងលេងមានប្រដាប់ក្មេងលេងជាច្រើនរួមមានបំណែកតូចៗឬមានភាពជឿនលឿនយ៉ាងល្អ។ នៅពេលវេលាតែមួយខួរក្បាលរបស់ពួកគេក៏ដូចជាញ្ញាណត្រូវការការរំញោចដើម្បីជួយពួកគេឱ្យរីកចម្រើនក៏ដូចជារកឃើញនៅពេលពួកគេលេង។ នោះហើយជាមូលហេតុដែលយើងបានព្យាបាលការចុះបញ្ជីប្រដាប់ប្រដាក្មេងលេងល្អបំផុតនេះសម្រាប់ក្មេងអាយុ 1 ឆ្នាំដែលប្រាកដថានឹងរីករាយក្នុងការរីករាយរបស់អ្នក។

អំណោយដ៏ល្អបំផុតទាំង 5 សម្រាប់ម្តាយដែលមានអាយុមួយឆ្នាំដូចវាដែរ
ការលេងគួរឱ្យស្រឡាញ់ Kitsthese Kits នឹងធ្វើឱ្យពេលវេលាលេងសាមញ្ញក៏ដូចជាផ្តល់ជូននូវប្រដាប់ប្រដាក្មេងលេងដែលល្អសម្រាប់ដំណាក់កាលអភិវឌ្ឍន៍របស់កូនអ្នក។
តុល្យភាព Ayeku Bikeyour មួយនឹងចូលចិត្តជិះកង់នេះក៏ដូចជាវាមានហានិភ័យក្នុងការប្រើប្រាស់ក្នុងផ្ទះ។
Melissa ក៏ដូចជា Doug Touch & មានអារម្មណ៍ថាមានល្បែងផ្គុំរូប Puzlethis គឺជាប្រដាប់ប្រដាក្មេងលេងញ្ញាណដ៏អស្ចារ្យជាមួយនឹងកំពូលស្រអាប់នៅលើបំណែកនីមួយៗ។
តុក្កតាប្រដាប់ក្មេងលេង Manhattan Stella Dellais គឺជាតុក្កតាដំបូងដ៏អស្ចារ្យសម្រាប់ខាំមួយក៏ដូចជាយើងចូលចិត្តវា។
ងូតទឹកងូតទឹកងូតទឹកងូតទឹករហូតដល់ងូតទឹកថែទាំការហោងក្រៅកាន់តែច្រើនថែមទៀតក៏ដូចជា preoccupy របស់អ្នកបន្តិចដូច្នេះអ្នកពិតជាអាចដុសខាត់ឱ្យស្អាតបាន!


នៅអាយុម្នាក់ក្មេងៗជាច្រើនកំពុងមានជំហររឹងមាំលើជើងរបស់ពួកគេក៏ដូចជាការកសាងសាច់ដុំដែលត្រូវការសម្រាប់ការដើរក៏ដូចជាការរត់។ ប្រដាប់ប្រដាក្មេងលេងនេះអាចឱ្យពួកគេធ្វើអ្វីៗទាំងអស់នេះខណៈពេលដែលរំញោចញ្ញាណទាំងប្រាំយ៉ាងសប្បាយរីករាយក៏ដូចជាវិធីដើរលេង។ តារាងការចង់ដឹងចង់ឃើញរបស់ទារកគឺជាស្ថានីយ៍សកម្មភាពមួយដែលរាប់បញ្ចូលទាំងកិច្ចព្រមព្រៀងដ៏អស្ចារ្យនៃបំណែកដែលអាចចល័តបានដូចជាឧបករណ៍ក៏ដូចជាសៀគ្វីពណ៌ក៏ដូចជាវាផងដែរ។ ហើយសម្រាប់ក្មេងអាយុមួយឆ្នាំដែលបានត្រៀមខ្លួនឈរឬដើរតែជើងអាចត្រូវបានលុបចោលសម្រាប់ការលេងជាន់ឬតុលេង។



រដូវឈប់សម្រាកអាចជំរុញយើងឱ្យទិញប្រដាប់ប្រដាក្មេងលេងចៃដន្យក៏ដូចជាគ្រឿងអលង្ការសម្រាប់កូន ៗ របស់យើងទោះយ៉ាងណាការពិតគឺថាអ្នកដែលមានប្រដាប់ប្រដាក្មេងលេងបន្តិចបន្តួច។ នោះហើយជាមូលហេតុដែលខ្ញុំបានបញ្ចប់ការទទួលទានជាមួយឧបករណ៍លេងគួរឱ្យស្រឡាញ់។ ប្រដាប់ប្រដាក្មេងលេងទាំងអស់ដែលមាននៅក្នុងឧបករណ៍ទាំងនេះត្រូវបានបង្កើតឡើងដោយអ្នកជំនាញក៏ដូចជាត្រូវបានបង្កប់ក្នុងការគាំទ្រក្នុងការរកឃើញនៅក្នុងដំណាក់កាលអភិវឌ្ឍន៍ដែលទារករបស់អ្នកស្ថិតនៅក្នុង។

រឿងមួយទៀតដែលខ្ញុំចូលចិត្តអំពីពួកគេ … ពួកគេពិតជាធ្វើឱ្យពេលវេលាលេងកាន់តែងាយស្រួល។ ពួកគេផ្តល់យោបល់ក៏ដូចជាវិធីសាស្រ្តក្នុងការលេង (ដោយសារតែការលេងជាមួយទារកអាចពិបាកជាងវាស្តាប់ទៅ!) ។ សមាជិកភាពនេះនឹងបង្កើតអំណោយបុណ្យណូអែលដ៏អស្ចារ្យក៏ដូចជាមិនមានការប្តេជ្ញាចិត្តដូចដែលអ្នកអាចលុបចោលនៅពេលវេលាណាមួយ!



អ្នកមិនអាចធ្វើខុសជាមួយគូបសកម្មភាពក៏ដូចជាកំណែឈើដ៏រស់រវើកនេះផ្តល់នូវសកម្មភាពជាច្រើនសម្រាប់ដៃបន្តិច។ សកម្មភាពរបស់ទារកដែលមានភាពទាក់ទាញរួមបញ្ចូលគ្នានូវសកម្មភាពចំនួនប្រាំក្នុងមួយរួមទាំងបន្ទប់ពិសោធន៍អង្កាំឈើក៏ដូចជាកាមេរ៉ាមានរាងក៏ដូចជាជួយខួរក្បាលរបស់អ្នកខាំ។ មានមុខងារគួរឱ្យចាប់អារម្មណ៍ក៏ដូចជាមុខងារដែលមានប្រយោជន៍របស់គូបនេះគឺថាវាបានផ្តាច់ជាពីរចំណែកដើម្បីធានាថាក្មេងពីរនាក់អាចលេងក្នុងពេលតែមួយដោយមានភាពសប្បាយរីករាយជាច្រើនក្នុងការដើរជុំវិញ។


Leapfrog ស្វែងយល់ពីមិត្តភក្ដិ 100 ពាក្យ

ជំរុញអារម្មណ៍របស់កូនតូចរបស់អ្នកក៏ដូចជាជម្រុញការជឿនលឿនភាសាជាមួយនឹងសៀវភៅពាក្យដំបូងអន្តរកម្មនេះ។ Leapfrog ស្វែងរកមិត្តភក្ដិ 100 ពាក្យអាចជួយឱ្យរូបភាពរបស់អ្នកប៉ះរូបភាពនៅលើទំព័រនានាក្នុងការទិញដើម្បីស្តាប់ពាក្យរួមគ្នាជាមួយនឹងអង្គហេតុដែលមានភាពសប្បាយរីករាយអំពីសត្វដែលមានរសជាតិឆ្ងាញ់ក៏ដូចជាការពិតផងដែរ។ សៀវភៅនេះគឺមានពីរភាសាពីរភាសាដែលផ្តល់នូវពាក្យនីមួយៗទាំងភាសាអង់គ្លេសក៏ដូចជាភាសាអេស្ប៉ាញផងដែរ។


ការរកឃើញជំងឺឆ្កាងរបកគំហើញ workbench

នៅក្នុងសំណុំនៃឧបករណ៍អគាររស់រវើកនេះអាយុ 1 ឆ្នាំរបស់អ្នកនឹងត្រូវបានព្យាបាលចំពោះតន្ត្រីអំពូលក៏ដូចជាបែបផែនសំលេងរំខានផងដែរ។ មិនត្រឹមតែជាឧបករណ៍សប្បាយក៏ដូចជាការចូលរួមប្រដាប់ក្មេងលេងសម្រាប់កុមារចេះដើរតេះតះ, ទោះយ៉ាងណាតន្ត្រីស៊ីហ្សីបានរកឃើញជំនួយការធ្វើការដែលកុមារមានជំនាញសំរបសំរួលដោយដៃក៏ដូចជាការធ្លាក់ចុះ។ ពួកគេនឹងចង់រៀបចំផ្នែកដែលផ្លាស់ប្តូរដូចជាថតដែលងាយស្រួលទាញក៏ដូចជាការមើលឃើញរបស់ក្មេងផងដែរ។



ព្យាណូដំបូងដ៏ល្អបំផុតសម្រាប់ខាំរបស់អ្នក។ ប្រដាប់ប្រដាក្មេងលេងព្យាណូនេះលេងភ្លេងនៅពេលប៉ះលើចុងម្រាមដៃរបស់ទារកអ្នកដោយគ្មានប៊ូតុងពាក់ព័ន្ធ! This music-making toy can assist your infant tune into different rhythmic patterns at a young age together with color coordination. មានកំណត់ត្រាកូដពណ៌ដែលត្រូវនឹងគ្រាប់ចុចឈើ។ It includes 3 sheets of music as well as as much as 6 different songs, or produce your own! This is a fantastic gift for ages 6 months as well as up.


Baby Onesies

It’s never as well early to stimulate your child’s curiosity as well as show them exactly how awesome STREAM (Science, Technology, Reading/Writing, Engineering, the Arts, as well as Math) subjects can be. Piccolina’s infant onesies are not only cozy, however function some incredible prints based on things like paleontology, locomotives, cartography, entomology, as well as geology. 

The patterns hit it out of the park, however I likewise truly like that these onesies are made from 100% cotton as well as have zip-fronts (which are an absolute must-have when trying to modification a curious wiggly baby!). These infant onesies will be offered in newborn sizes for the very first time this year as well as go as much as size 24 months. 

Use Code ROOKIE20 for 20% Off!

Shop Here

Melissa as well as Doug Geometric Stacker

Stacking toys are traditional for a reason – they’re fun! young children can utilize this 25-piece set in a multitude of ways, including stacking, color-sorting, as well as assembling stacked puzzles. toys like the Melissa as well as Doug Geometric Stacker are likewise fantastic for establishing fine motor skills as well as hand-eye coordination. This is a toy that can grow with your one-year-old, too, ending up being a discovering toy for older young children who are beginning to determine shapes as well as colors.


Little Tikes Spiralin’ Seas Waterpark Play Table

The bit Tikes Spiralin’ Seas Waterpark Play Table assists to establish early motor skills with fun characters. The ideal toy for outside summertime play as well as steady sufficient for those kiddos still trying to balance while standing up. It promotes engaging play as well as includes 1 water cup as well as 5 round characters that squirt water.


AyeKu balance Bike

Balance bikes are one of the very best toys for a 1-year-old since they enable your kid to feel independent while discovering essential skills at the exact same time. finest of all, your bit one doesn’t have to be walking yet to delight in it! young children can enhance their legs, gain coordination as well as balance, as well as deal with the beginning stages of bike-riding, all in the security of your home. The AyeKu balance Bike is developed not to damage floors, as well as it likewise includes essential security features for your child. steering is restricted to a 50-degree angle to prevent side falls, as well as the seat is adjustable to assist you get a appropriate in shape for your bit rider.


Dimpl Digits by Fat brain Toys

This silicone sensory toy is captivating for bit fingers as well as encourages the advancement of sensory motor skills as well as color exploration. The Dimpl Digits toy can grow with your child, too, as they begin to discover numbers, which are on this toy in both English as well as Spanish. Your kiddo will have hours of fun pushing as well as popping the squishy bubbles, as well as reward – this toy is impossible to break!


Hape pound as well as tap Bench

One-year-olds like to try out sounds, however some toys are just obnoxiously loud. Not the situation with the Hape pound as well as tap Bench. It encourages musical advancement with multifunctional instruments, including a keyboard as well as xylophone, without driving parents nuts! youngsters will likewise like utilizing the included hammer to tap the spheres as well as send them tinkling over the notes before they run to chase them.


Melissa as well as Doug Touch & feel Puzzle

Age one is a fantastic time to begin assisting your kid discover puzzling skills, which are essential for emotional, cognitive as well as skill development. This Touch & feel puzzle is especially suitable for a young young child since the pieces stand up so they can double as toys themselves. Plus, each includes a textured surface that will keep bit hands curious as well as amused. This is a fantastic screen-free toy that keeps kids’ attention.


LeapFrog My pal Scout

This lovable luxurious canine is method much more than a cuddly buddy for your kiddo – each paw activates music, tunes as well as games. as well as My pal Scout can even be set to state your child’s name! This toy is developed to assist youngsters discover things like very first words, everyday routines, counting, as well as emotions. It includes five pre-loaded songs, however parents can go on the internet as well as select from 30 others, too.


Playskool hectic sphere Popper

Ball poppers are tons of fun, as well as this from Playskool will pleasure your 1-year-old’s senses. It includes five balls, which your kid feeds into ramps as well as tubes, only to view them appear on the air again. It includes music as well as silly noise impactsand, even though it’s a toy with a great deal of action, it’s triggered by a big easy-push button that bit ones can utilize on their own.


Nuby Purple Octopus bath Toy

Add much more interactive play to bathtime with this lovable Purple Octopus! He is textured to support discovering with touch, as well as he includes a set of rings that your kid can location or toss onto his tentacles to motivate hand-eye coordination. all of the included pieces float, too, so they won’t get lost under the bubbles!


Spike the Hedgehog

It’s impossible NOT to grab onto Spike the Hedgehog’s inviting, chunky spikes, as well as bit hands will have fun trying to pop them back into place, too. They can likewise be utilized for color-sorting as well as color recognition play, as well as eliminating as well as replacing them into Spike’s back is fantastic for fine motor skill development. As your kid gets older, this toy can likewise be utilized for discovering early counting skills.


Best gifts for a One Year Old That motivate creativity

Manhattan toy Stella Doll

Is your bit one prepared for their very first doll? This luxurious doll is a fantastic choice if so! Plus, it is available in a range of material skin tones as well as hairstyles.

Shop Here

Little Feminist infant gift set from Estella

The bit Feminist book is an absolute preferred in our household. It’s so essential to introduce our kids to powerful world-changers. Plus, this gift set includes an “Elect Women” luxurious toy that’s hand-knit in Peru. Your bit one will adore it!

Shop Estella Here

Mega Bloks very first builders Bag

One of the high qualities of the very best toys for 1-year-olds is that they ought to be simple to deal with so your young young child can feel independent as they play. These vibrant Mega Bloks are produced bit hands as well as they’re ideal for the type of hands-on, imaginative play that is perfect for early youth development. This set includes 80 pieces in different sizes as well as shapes, in addition to an easy-carry bag for storage as well as transport.


Toy Dump Truck

Both bit young boys as well as women like vehicles. eco-friendly toys makes their prominent dump truck in three color combos to fit your preferences for about $20. The trucks are very durable as well as made of recycled milk jugs so I’m prepared to pay a bit more.


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